The Irresistible Force Meets the Hired Killer of the “Manson Family”  

 A Victory for Victim Impact

Doris Tate delivers victim impact statement at the parole hearing of Tex Watson
Doris Tate delivers victim impact statement at the parole hearing of Tex Watson

Imagine my surprise when perusing YouTube to suddenly come upon a video that “speaks a million words” in just over four minutes!

Doris Tate was a heroine and the mother of pregnant actress Sharon Tate, who was brutally murdered by “Tex” (Charles Denton) Watson.  Tex also killed four others during a spree murderous rampage over two days. Tex and others carried out the killings orchestrated by Charles Manson.  The scene was Benedict Canyon in Los Angeles, California, August 1969. Watson was found guilty of murder in 1971. However, the death penalty was overturned in California in 1972 for four years and his sentence was commuted to life in prison.

All baby boomers recall the horror of this crime. The heinous acts included stabbing Sharon 16 times as she was in her 8th month of pregnancy; scrawling the word “PIG” on the door of the Polanski-Tate home and killing three of Tate’s houseguests. Co-conspirators Susan Atkins and Patricia Krenwinkel murdered coffee heiress Abigail Folger and neighbors Rosemary and Leno La Bianca.  Leno LaBianca suffered seven stab wounds and had the word “War” carved in his abdomen.  Prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi called Atkins “A heartless bloodthirsty robot” who did Manson’s bidding.  Susan Atkins admitted killing Sharon Tate.

According to internet sources, all surviving participants are now advanced in age and have accepted responsibility. (Susan Atkins died in 2009). Tex converted to Christianity, became an ordained minister,  married while in prison and had three children in the 1980’s. Watson was denied parole at least 14 times over the years.

“I Feel Sorry for this Man as he Chose this Way of Life.”

Doris Tate, mother of slain Sharon Tate
Doris Tate, mother of slain Sharon Tate

Was it a comfort to Doris Tate that Tex had “accepted responsibility” in his own way? I doubt it. Doris had the opportunity to “go head to head” with Tex in 1982. This was the first ever true victim impact statement delivered by a female.   I am not sure that I would have had the strength or courage to sit three feet away from “my murderer” across the table, as she did!

Doris became the champion of victim’s rights in the midst of the most horrific crime of that era.  She was adamant that serial killers could never be trusted, rehabilitated or released from prison. The followers of Charles Manson were little more than hollow waifs duped into thinking that Manson’s propaganda and drug induced brainwashing and hate “served a higher purpose.”

In reality, it caused irreparable harm to many. It introduced the “love and peace generation” to mass murder and forever tainted our hearts!

The First Victim Impact Statement by Doris Tate: (4 min,26 secs)

Watch and listen at least twice …. Just amazing! 

 “When Do I (As the Mother of Sharon Tate) Come Up for Parole?

Indeed! When your daughter is 8 month pregnant and is stabbed 16 times, you are forever a prisoner of the horrible details. You miss out on life milestones that will never be.  You never get relief. You don’t get your loved one back and you never come up for parole!

I won’t even get into the bizarre effort of Susan La Barge, the daughter of Rosemary and Leno La Bianco  who pleaded for the release of Charles Tex Watson in 1990. Susan’s mother was stabbed 42 times! I won’t even get into it! I won’t tell you what Doris said! Talk about crazy!

Sadly, Doris Tate passed away on July 10, 1992 at age 68.  Her memory and accomplishments will live on in history and in the hearts and minds of crime victims everywhere.   May you finally rest in peace Sharon and your grandchild.

This brings me to the point that, in 2015, a finely crafted, personal victim impact statement can create a powerful impact, as Doris’s did to pave the way for others. Don’t leave such an important event to chance.  Contact me with advanced notice for optimal results!  And NEVER forget about Doris Tate!

You can find details on Victim Impact Statement Assistance at this link:

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