Hope Springs Eternal with Occupational Therapy!
Learn how acessibility issues can force you to think ‘out of the box’ when looking for expert assistance! Academia is a great, and typically unknown resource for many. Occupational therapy may be the answer for paving the way for me and others!
Victims of the Aviation Industry - Injustices & Solutions
Never before in aviation history has there been so much congestion, chaos, delays, cancellations, and unprecedented prices that we as passengers must tolerate!
Read about my latest brutal experience while presenting tools and future recommendations.
The Answer to the Whys in Life- Unshared Values
This blog discusses the key to life - Shared and unshared values and how they influence every aspect of our lives! Think about it! Videos included!
Social Isolation - The Best Kept Secret in Healthcare
A close and expansive look at the epidemic of SOCIAL ISOLATION, particularly relating to seniors. Tools available, how it’s defined and the consequences.
Animal Fantasy Runs Rampant in Commercials
Are we doing our kids a disservice by using so much animal fantasy, not only in books, but in TV commercials?
‘An interesting discussion with videos to demonstrate!
Not All Baby Boomers are Technologically Minded
You’re a Baby Boomer… but technology is not always your friend… in spite of being a smart person! Why? Here’s some helpful information!
The ‘To Don’t List’ for 2025
Instead of lamenting about the need for ‘new goals’, why not look at it in reverse… What do you not want to do?
Voila! - the TO DON’T LIST
Age Really Doesn’t Matter with Children’s Books
Little children, whose minds are ‘absorbing like a sponge every minute’, and very innocent and open to the world, age is just a label.
Age becomes only a stamp to categorize items in retail or to assign certain milestones as their world becomes more structured. It does not account for the variation and fluidity of learning!
A child is NEVER too young to read or preread. Learn more about it!
Consulting- Santa’s List and other Writing Projects
Do you have some ‘writing chores’ you never seem to accomplish (including Santa’s list)?
If so, let me, an experienced writer/author assist you with consultative services including the simple tasks that never get done.
Holiday rates may apply just for you!
In the Aftermath of Brian Thompson, Two Books Helpful For Everyone
This blog enlightens us to the realities of real life trauma, bridging the gap for everyone by being better prepared using other’s stories in book form to navigate toward healing and hope.
Everything you want to now about professional, certified organizers, with a focus on working with seniors! DON’T MISS THIS ONE!
Holiday GuilT or Not- Revisited
Exploring the holiday season within the backdrop of this past year… and timeless advice about NOT feeling guilty about the holidays with some options provided!
Beyond Health and Safety, Person Centered Care is Your Right
Discussion of person centered care; person centered thinking; a featured podcast and a care plan template example for you, utilizing these concepts!
Abracadabra - It’s a Multi-Purpose Vehicle!
Take it from one who knows…. A review of some ‘handy- dandy ‘(and unique) assistive devices if you or your family member has a physical disability!
Fairytales, the White Knight & Intimate Partner Violence
In observance of National DV- Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month- the benefits of knowing about and using the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit AND the myth of the white knight!
Life Transformations -Revisited; (Drawing a line in the sand)
Reflections on the necessity of life transformations, adaptability, resilience and disability
Essential Caregivers -They are no longer the best kept Secret!
The highlights of the important federal Essential Caregiver Act; the inspiring true story about how it all began … and an excellent podcast to listen to with Mairead Painter, CT LTC Ombudsman
Why Should I Attend a Support Group??
Why Should I Attend A Support Group??
What’s in it for me?
Common misconceptions and straight answers (from the heart)
Lessons from the Defense (Final Chapters- ST Rita’s Home Deaths)
A Long Term Care Nightmare - Legal Strategies….’Saved By a Loaf of Bread…A new beginning and the Final Ending follows-
A Long Term Care Nightmare Continues…
In this narrative, we learn about the timeline, the weather event, the FATAL FLAWS that were made by the Manganos, Government rules and what comes next.... in the aftermath of this tragedy!