Donna R. Gore

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 Call to Action for Seniors & Documentary Makers!

 (Help Me Educate the Public about Real Life Issues/Needs in Senior  Living) Part I of 2

When the pandemic occurred ‘seemingly out of nowhere’ like a speeding meteorite intent on causing as much harm and destruction possible,  there were a good number of films in the acute stages of COVID on the plight of seniors. But now, COVID and its influence on seniors barely makes the news these days. The truth is…we are always in need of good quality films about seniors in general and the aftermath of COVID. If vast numbers of deaths aren’t occuring, the public incorrectly thinks,  ‘we don’t have to worry anymore..’

Building a Case for Impactful Filmmaking-

Last spring, I pursued the opportunity to discuss a short documentary film with a local company for lots of money.  It wasn’t the best fit for many reasons… so I moved on. 

However, If I had the opportunity to get the attention of another documentary creator and videographer who had experience and passion for seniors, who are willing to go after additional funding sources, I’d love it! (Are you listening -CBS - 60 Minutes?) 

As for my track record, I’ve been through the trenches in so many ways for decades… as a clinical speech-language pathologist- direct care therapist, part of Rehabilitation teams in hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Day Habilitation programs, a State Institution for the severely to profoundly impaired, many group homes, and a state agency for the Blind and other disabilities serving in many capacities…  ‘Not to forget my own medical history with 60+ hospitalizations -surgeries from early childhood through adulthood.

As a retired young senior, I have added a wealth of knowledge as a resident of Independent Living Communities (kind of the step-child of a continuum of care not currently overseen nor recognized by CMS- the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid.)

 But, let me tell you, there are plenty of people in IL where the line blurs considerably in terms of their real medical care needs, risks and the desire or ability of the resident to move to the most appropriate setting, to  pay beyond the Independent Living ‘rung on the ladder.’

As an innovator and advocate, I’ve seen the need for so many practical functional changes that would make sense… if only they would listen!

Filmmaking is all about relevance to the masses; evoking emotion and creating social, lasting impact;

I’ve realized that some ideas I’ve pursued are ‘not sexy enough’

(such as badly needed education,  structural and functional changes in independent living housing buildings)

Another unrealized dream would be to take on the topic of instituting some guidelines for Independent Living with Congress. This would be a massive task in scope without lots of assistance and resources over time. 

However, there’s no time like the present to create a path if the right people would listen…

If I’ve learned anything about living in South Carolina for five years, I know that state and local entities, and Republican legislators particularly, are and would be very resistant to change, particularly if it involves increased costs other than for tourism and homebuilding.

This state is a ‘no frills, bare bones government ‘for sure!  They also appear to have indifferent attitudes toward seniors and the disabled…as well as other groups with the exception of the revenue they bring from other areas;

What Would Basic Filmmaking Topics Look Like for South Carolinians ..and the rest of the U.S.?

  • Prior to the need to ‘Shop for Long Term Care’ for family members, the general public needs to be educated about the ‘levels of care’ - differences, what’s included, not included; and Residents Rights once admitted to Assisted Living, and Memory Care, and Skilled Nursing Facilities;

  • Don’t let staff shortages be an excuse for lack of training by schools and supervisors, which impacts care and morale. 

  • Pay employees a living wage and incentivize them to retain them and treat them with respect;

  •  Become familiar with the concept and practice of ‘Person Centered Care’;

  • Think about & initiate creative ways to prevent Social Isolation which applies to Independent Living, Assisted Living, Residential Care Homes, Home Care Services,  Memory Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospitalizations.

  • The primary focus should be human storytelling which creates social impact and promotes positive change.

If you are an Indie filmmaker or network producer reading this and you are willing to discuss, please use my CONTACT PAGE.

  • Stay Tuned for Part II- Some Important Topics in Long Term Care - explained…