Update: Good Intentions- Bad Choices
According to several credible news sources, there has been a significant change following the controversy over the 'unfettered power' exercised by a former police officer and head of the Connecticut Board of Pardons & Parole, Carlton Giles, who commuted 71 inmates in 2022, including 44 with murder convictions. In contrast, between 2015 and 2019, only five inmates were commuted, with just one commutation in 2021. During the pandemic, commutations were frozen, and this practice continued when Giles was demoted.
Good Intentions, Bad Choices
I had a tension headache but listened intently to the twelve cases the Connecticut Board of Pardons and Parole presented and took notes. The list of inmates included candidates from two adult correctional institutions, a youth correctional facility, and two halfway houses around Connecticut. For the majority of hearings, the virtual observer, including victim families, can view the inmate during the live hearing.
Growing up Quickly with a Disability
When you are born with a permanent disability (cerebral palsy) classified as severe, as a vulnerable child, you have no idea what life will bring. This is the story of Donna R. Gore.
Senior living Advice from a Senior
The longer I live in a retirement community, the more I see the variations in personalities, personal habits, residents’ ability, or inability, to adapt, expectations held, and cultural differences.