‘Need Help How to Approach a Project?

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Consider the story in Genesis of Noah and the Ark.

What a project!  (This is a fun example only!)

Noah was entrusted and directed by God to essentially recreate another world in which there was no violence. 

As the story goes (in a much abbreviated form), he, his wife and his three  sons with  their wives. would be spared from a devastating flood. All of the  animals-  one set of every  animal - one male, one female that roamed the earth would board the Ark to safety  if he followed the directives.

Build an ark of gopherwood, with rooms inside, three decks, and a door. Cover it inside and out with pitch.” Floodwater destroyed the wicked and all creatures that lived on the land except those in the ark.’  

From this very simplified example - Whether it be a home project, a project for a non-profit organization  or business, the steps are similar, (depending upon the expert) Some say there are as few as three steps in strategic planning or as many as seven.)

When we make a plan, we need to-

1) Assess our current situation,-(Example-  There will be a devastating flood occuring at some point  in the future…)

2) Create a vision with purpose and values- ( Example- Recreate a better civilization whose purpose includes saving the righteous beings and all animals; procreating a better ‘human race’

3) Create measurable goals and objectives - 

  1. Noah and sons will  build an ark that is seaworthy and large enough to accommodate selected people and all animals;

    b)  Gather all the animals two by two; 

          Action Plan - List steps to accomplish the objectives, and prioritize 

(Example - Should the elephants and giraffes go first in line or the 

dogs and cats?)

4) Identify and Allocate the Resources  necessary to achieve it

(Financial, Human and organizational  resources)

5) Develop ways to measure your progress- ( Example- Make checklists and deadlines) and 

  Continually assess your progress and go back to refine goals if needed.

If Noah figured out the Ark… I’m confident we can figure out
your project!



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